The TPP was declared dead in the water after President Trump withdrew US support, but regardless of the lack of involvement of its largest trade partner there are currently political forces at work attempting to revive the international trade agreement.
This week in Sydney for 3 days members of the remaining 11 TPP nations have gathered to negotiate the revival of a new TPP without US involvement. Australia’s Trade Minister the Honourable Steven Ciobo MP is leading the charge for Australia. The new TPP deal is also to be discussed at the upcoming APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in November in Vietnam.
Outside the meeting on Monday were community groups and protesters organised by the Australian fair trade advocate AFTI-NET. Also present were representatives from various unions and community organisations such as the ACTU, AMU, NSWNMA. ETU and others.
The TPP was not supported by the US congress, and in Australia a Senate Inquiry refused to endorse the TPP. The TPP itself is serves the interests of a global corporatocracy over any national interests.
Some of the main threats present in the TPP are:
1) ISDS inclusions enable foreign corporations to bypass national courts and sue governments in off-shore tribunals for any domestic policy changes which influence their expected profits
2) Intellectual property arrangements enable stronger monopolies for pharmaceutical companies. These restrict the access to generic and cheaper medicines.
3) Workers rights and protections are threatened and removes labour market testing for temporary migrant workers.
4) Increased copyright provisions increase control over the internet and consumers.
5) Removal of environmental standards and enables corporations to sue over new environmental laws.
The TPP was crafted in secret for the benefit of transnational corporations over the interests of everyday people. The corporations will continue to attempt to implement their political and economic control over national governments.
The 11 countries left in the TPP are Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Japan, Chile, Peru and Vietnam.
We will keep you posted of any disclosed outcomes that emerge from these discussions.
More information can be found at
Another meeting of the trade negotiators will occur in Japan in September.